About ARC
The Antibiotic Resistance Coalition (ARC) consists of civil society organizations and stakeholders from six continents working in the health, agriculture, consumer and development sectors. Established in May 2014, the Coalition advocates for policy change and action to prevent the post-antibiotic era from becoming a bleak reality.
The Antibiotic Resistance Declaration
In May 2014, the Antibiotic Resistance Coalition launched the “Declaration on Antibiotic Resistance” to advocate for policy change and action to prevent the post-antibiotic era from becoming a bleak reality. The Declaration calls for international leadership to take actions such as:
Prohibit the mis-promotion and advertising of antibiotics;
Promote new, needs-driven and open research and development models based on the principle of delinkage;
Phase out the use of antibiotics from routine disease prevention in livestock and end their use, altogether, for growth promotion;
Build robust systems, in all countries, to monitor and report antibiotic use and resistance trends in humans and animals; and
Improve public awareness to support an ecological understanding of the human-bacterial interaction and behavior change around antibiotic use.
Download the ARC Declaration on Antibiotic Resistance here.
Signatories of the Declaration on Antibiotic Resistance include:
Alliance to Save Our Antibiotics
American Medical Student Association
Center for Science and Environment
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Consumers’ Association of Penang
Consumers International
Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network
European Public Health Alliance
Food Animal Concerns Trust
IFARMA Foundation
Initiative for Health & Equity in Society
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor (IDEC)
Health Action International
Health Care Without Harm
Keep Antibiotics Working
Natural Resources Defense Council
Pan-African Treatment Access Movement
People’s Health Movement
Public Citizen
ReAct – Action on Antibiotic Resistance
Sahabat Alam Malaysia (Friends of the Earth Malaysia)
Society for International Development
South Centre
Sustainable Food Trust
Third World Network
Universities Allied for Essential Medicines
US Public Interest Research Group
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